5 rounds of:

1 suicide
20 burpees

Time: 10:04


Every minute on the minute, for 10 minutes:

21 burpees

Did my morning workout at 0430hrs because we had to leave for 华清池 and 兵马俑 at 0630hrs! It was 8°C in the morning (really cold!), so I did an extensive warm up of alot of dynamic stretching and running drills before I start on the workout!

The workout was done at the ground level carpark of the hotel! When I first stepped into the hotel I immediately noticed the long straight stretch of road and the VERY little flow of traffic and concluded it was a perfect place for suicides!! Other than the slightly slippery surface, the stretch of road proved to be a good training ground!

The evening workout was done after coming back from a day’s worth of travelling! Despite feeling metally lethargic, I thought I should get in another workout to add in some volume! The workout was tough as usual, and the dry air made it hard to take in air properly but I was glad I finished the workout!

Time for bed!!